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CA Course
Chartered Accountancy is a challenging career at the cutting edge of trade, industry and economic growth. Over the years, the Chartered Accountancy (CA) profession has achieved rapid growth by virtue of quality professional services being rendered by its members and has come to occupy a prominent role in our economy and society. Increasing responsibilities are being entrusted by the Government and the society at large on the members of the profession and their specialized knowledge & skills are being utilized in various fields.
Statutory recognition is given to the role of the members of the profession and their audit/ certification is insisted upon for various purposes in different statutes. Chartered Accountancy is a profession that imparts the best of technical skills in accounting, auditing, taxation, financial and management areas.

The assessment of professional skills would also progress from “knowledge & comprehension” to “analysis & application” and “evaluation & synthesis” over different levels from Foundation to Final as follows: